Cabling and Bracing

Mitigating hazards and reducing risk of failure. Cabling and bracing are support methods used in trees. We properly diagnose your tree and take into account many variables in order to give you, the customer, all of the options. Sometimes that option is full removal or heavy pruning of suspect limbs. Some trees are great candidates for one of these methods and are worth saving. It is your choice, and we will help you determine the best course of action for you and your trees.


Lends support to a trees’ structure which are at a higher risk of failure. Think of crotches in multiple-stemmed trees, or large limbs whose failure could compromise the integrity of the entire tree.

  • limits excessive movement during ice and wind events
  • reduces risk of failure – mitigates hazards
  • can keep your tree on the landscape

*Cables should be inspected visually every 2 years, and physically by a climber every 4 years.


For trees that have already somewhat failed structurally or that have cracks, or show signs of cracking. Usually these are due to crotches splitting, but not failing entirely.

  • provides substantial holding power
  • prevents further cracking
  • reduces risk of complete failure

We look forward to meeting you and discussing your needs.
Contact us for a FREE Estimate.

For Sale

  • 1911 Hand Hewn Barn

    Circa 1911 30′ X 50′ By all accounts, this barn is beautiful, gorgeous and amazing! It is 50 feet wide running east-west, and 30 feet running north-south. Only visual damage […]


  • Hello Mr. Walsh, just wanted to let you know how great it was to read the story about you saving the cat that had been up in a tree for 5 days. The photographer, Barbara Livingston is one of my friends and I found out through her! I live in PA, but shared the story and really just wanted to thank you personally for being a HERO and an animal lover. Glad to know there are still good folks in the world!

    Dawn Newman